Now that we've wrapped up our advanced portfolio its time to reflect on our project through the focus of certain questions. Q.1 How do your products use or challenge conventions and how do the represent social groups or issues? The genre me and my team picked for our final products was indie pop. Indie as a genre in general breaks tonnes of conventions and creates new ones mostly due to the freedom allotted to the artists. Rather than having set conventions the indie scene works in trends which emerge with time, which is what we've based certain aspects of our products off and what we've gone against to showcase some of our own artistic ability. In a country like Pakistan, which is mostly over run with remastered coke studio versions of old songs, releasing an indie pop album and music video is unconventional as it is. Similarly, due to the creative freedom the genre allows us, we were able to represent social issues which we may not have been able to if we were to be...
Revolutionary, Intrigue, Demiurgic...who knows how to use photo shop now. Give me a camera and I'll probably end up filming my friend trying to fit 78 flaming hot cheetos in her mouth.