The story board was designed by Mahnoor on her drawing tablet. Her exceptional art skills played a huge role in the visualisation of the music video. She coloured parts to draw emphasis on the colours, an imperative element of the concept of our music video.
Protagonist reaches for a ringing telephone. |
She puts the receiver next to her ear waiting for a reply from the caller. |
Cut to another scene, where the protagonist is sitting and contemplating with a telephone besides her, this is a jump in the sequence. |
pixelated heart shows up next to head as she sits next to a easel with a painting on it depicting a childish drawing. |
The hand on the right is desperately grasping all the red string completely intertwining themselves up to their wrists. |
The arm on the left lets go and the red string breaks. |
The protagonist listens to the caller with a impassive expression. |
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