For our cover we looked several covers with varying popularity, within popular Pop and indie pop genre categories. We decided that we would promote the artist's star image on the cover by using some type of portrait shot to grant access to the star (Andrew Goodwin). We decided upon a medium close up which displayed the artist's face till their shoulders or a little bit of collar bone area depending on the angle it's shot at to capture the artist's expressions well. Some examples include:
The Weekend - The beauty behind the madness |
Lomepal - FLIP |
Bipolar Sunshine - Drowning Butterflies (single) |
Bleachers - Don't take the money (single) |
All of the examples above show the star image of the artists in mostly well lit high-key lighting except the weekend, However with the black and white contrast it allows us to see the details of his face more clearly despite the physical ripped photograph collage effect applied on the cover. these shots are mid way between a medium close up and close up, they show us some details like chains, necklaces or the type of clothing being worn from the upper half of the body which are also representative of the genre. Other details can also be seen without getting too close like makeup, facial hair, jewellery and facial accessories including glasses. We can use this if we decide to accessorize our own model for the album cover shots.
Another concept we want to add to the album cover is the design choice of adding a square border around the the portrait of the artist, this can be either presented in plain solid colour backgrounds with as presented in the two examples above of Bipolar Sunshine and Bleachers' covers. Some more examples include a use of more abstract patterns or imagery which add colour and texture to the picture in a collage type sense. Examples include:
Gothbabe - Velvet sheets (Single) |
Vendredi sur mer - Mort/Fine |
Both these covers utilize some type of design which encloses the main photo (not an artist's face in this case), but by using a similar textured background with small text placement around the cover we could obtain the desired indie pop album cover look.
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